BNN Index | DTBL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
DTBL All-Star Game
League Upcoming FA Report - Scouted by: OSA
Batters | Pitchers | Fielding Ratings | Fielding Position Ratings (* = Minor League FA)
Position PlayersTeamAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K'sSpeedStealingCON vsLPOW vsLEye vsLCON vsRPOW vsREye vsR
Josh Hamilton *ND31LF1311181081114111510141911
Matt Holliday *ND32LF141313139916151313141313
A.J. Pierzynski *ND35C11815811671013812158
Carlos Ruiz *AD33C151411814591612815118

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